Friday, November 6, 2009


Having just read TRANSPARENCY IN TEXTILES by Karen THORNE which leaves a lot of room for personal experimentation, which i really like in a book, i developed this digital image from scratch, printed it onto acetate, discussed in my own forthcoming book DIGITAL LIGHT; i plan to layer pieces of it with chiffon scarves and stitching to create a small vessel to be placed where it will catch the ambient light. i'm thinking assemblage or a some larger constructions. there are a number of techniques described. this is a wonderful book for the non-project oriented although the project-oriented will like it as well. Definitely on the recommended list if you are at all adventurousx.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

decorated paper scanned amd mmnipulated in photoshop
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pastels and oil pastels on paper - sxcanned and manipulted a littl e with photoshop
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

five pink madonnas

digital manip;ulation of marker drawings
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this and the previous images are anstract nadonnA PER,AMET marker om cloth
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009


for a number of years now i have been developing the process of what I call Digotal Cloth
DIGITAL CLOTH is the result of an artful approach to surface design making art cloth and wearable art using digital tools along with traditional techniques, albeit sometimes reinventing those techniques. Digital Cloth IS NOT fabric design.
The one notable difference from art cloth is that Digital Cloth is constructed and therefore adds an architectural element. This zzllows for the addition of textural elements not possible in art cloth.

This definition is from my book which I hope will be out this summer. the photos are a series of one of the earliest pieces. by chance, Dijan Ccvervaal posted a photo of a fragment of an old textile. i took that fragment and used it to develop the three images shiwb which you'll see in the book how they become digital cloth.
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Saturday, September 19, 2009


adding development to the lemons, i need a long way yet
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Friday, September 18, 2009


i continue to develop the cloth backgroubd and begin work on the lemons
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i continue roughing in the background
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working in PAINTER X, i have sketched a still life of lemons and have begun roughing in color. painting is the process of working until it is to a point where you cannot make it better. i have just begun
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

more autumn

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Another sketch
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I've been working on a small series of color sketches for my journal in anticipation of AUTUMN. It is the season of Dionysius, the god opf inspiration, and I have alsways felt most open to the proxcess during this season. Most every artist has a brief period during every year where things seem to happen without effort and it takes the rest of the year to catch up. Although Autumn is a time of fruition, it is a time of transformation. The leaves that died and decayed last year are reborn into the new wine. The leavings of harvest are burnt and nourish the ground for the seeds that slumber until the resurrection of the blond assassin.
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Monday, August 10, 2009


i ask forguveness for NOT BRING CONSCIOUS
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Digital Art

Digital Art is an ever-changing medium. As trchnology expands and is ab sorberd into the business world, so too some artists will see a potential and begin to experiment primarily along conceptual lines with that potential. For example, a digital print is in realitgy a mixed media work. The true digital painting can only be viewed on a digital screen of some kind, video, led, crt, etc. Printing transfers the image out of the digitlal (electronic) environment in which it was born into a more traditional medium and hence the demand for software which emulates oiul or watercolor etc. But natural media techniques can be applied underr conceptual approaches which move the resulting art into a new realm and out of the boundarirs of natural media supports such as paper and canvas. It's a bit of a reach, but instead of still life the possibility of movement, a kind of kinetic approach can reveal something new about the artuist's subject
The most prominent presence on the INTERNET is probably that of Rex Bruce and The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA). Bruce is the curator and for often juror the many competitions and shows organized by the center. Visit the website and subscribe to the mailing list. You will gaain new insight into the possibilities for digital art-making.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


A selection of digitally designed and printed fabrics and/or papers suitable for numerous uses including collage, origami, enbroidery, quilting, and mixed media. i am currently experimenting with printing on Asian handmade papers (japanese, Thai, and Indian). They print well on pima cotton, 16mm habotai silk, parchment, cotton rag, rice papers. i hope to try them on Chosen style papers as well. they work well on standard US papers and i've been using them in muxed media collage. i think i need more variety in color and pattern type,
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is a digital photo of the actual collage which was done with gel medium on a watercolor support. the elements in rhe collage are cut from digitally designed abd printed fabrics. A few enhancing marks are made with water soluble oil pastels. thus is a first in the series i've turned to collage as i cannot sew any more but i wanted to remain connected to fabric in some way.

starting next week i have plans to feature a digutal artist, curatortechnique, or comment on some historical aspect of digital art. this means looking at a wider range of media. i am working on concepts that i hope will leade to installations which would include diticak screebs as well as collage abd other fiber.

tomorrow i will feature a bew way of woring that produces 1 obe of a kind printor a vert limited exdituin. it involes nultiple printings on the same media

tra la until then,
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Monday, June 15, 2009


This weekend my family will pay tribute to a great but changing institution in modern society, the family. Here is my tribute to ny father's service in the SOUTH PACIFIC IN World War II, MY PARENTS, AND A PHOTO OF THE FAMILY TAKEN MORE THAN 30 YEARS AGO, THE LAST TIME WE WERE ALL TOGRTHR AND STILL LIVING.

Take the time to notice the passage of time and the lives of those who are around you. "We are stardust, we are golden and we've got to make our way back to the garden." Joni Mitchell
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Friday, June 12, 2009


I fully intended to do a study in blue today, but it seems the color wheel exploded onto my digital canvas. i did manage, I think, to make a few discoveries agout blue and its relationahips.

It is clear that value of a hue effects how it will look, dominant or receding. In this case the turquoise blue maintains itself even agasinst the complement orange, and the split-complents, but just barely. any less blue, and the orange would have become dominant. It always seems to my eye at least, that if you add one coilor to a painting, you may be required to add them all eventually whether iin small amounts or in shades or tones.

My favorite blues are the fourteen shades of indigo. Japanese dyers determined that there were fourteen shades. Indigo seems to stand its ground. Many fiber artists, Doerothy Caldwell, for example, have used this information effectively. I wonder if a digital artist can achieve similar results.

More grist for the journal.
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